
Terms for subject Statistics containing | all forms
际价值的接近程度closeness to true value
与真价值的接近程度closeness to true value
国家例研究country case study
地工作质量检查field work quality check
地工作质量1/4觳field work quality check
地调查field trial
地调查field survey
absolute value
际价值true value
际价格actual price
际价格的加权平均数weighted average of actual prices
际动力生产力power physic productivity
验小区sample plot
验小区trial plot
验小区experimental plot
验法experimental method
验田sample plot
验田trial plot
验田experimental plot
验设计experiment design
验设计experimental design
平衡析因验设计balanced factorial experimental design
根据验点描出的曲线fitted curve
价值true value
周期性true periodicity
平均数true mean
性检验validity check
比率true rate
统计验室statistical laboratory
船舶际生产率vessel physic productivity
部分混杂析因factorial experiment with partial confounding
predicted test
食物的际摄取量food actually ingested