
Terms for subject Football containing | all forms
中场拼midfield contention
侧面side tackle
侧面side tackle
rush tackle
凶狠的ferocious tackle
切入点射门cut in for goal
勾形脚法hook tackle
勾形脚法hook-slide tackle
引诱对方show the ball
引诱对方逼invite a tackle
抡脚scything tackle
到球gain possession of the ball
到球win the ball
到球dispossess an opponent
截对方队员tackle an opponent
截犯规foul tackle
攻打法aggressive play
断传球pluck a pass
断球pluck a pass
点凌空球shot on the first-time crash volley
点射门战术shoot-on-sight tactics
点直接凌空射门crash volley
点直接射门shot on the first time
challenge for the ball
抬脚过高的foot over tackle
ferocious tackle
congested area
横扫腿scything tackle
正面front tackle
正面block tackle
积极射战术shoot-on-sight tactic
积极拼的防守队员ball hawk
粗野rugby tackle
粗野的rugby tackle
背后截犯规foul tackle from behind
背后球犯规foul tackle from behind
诱使对方逼invite a tackle
守门员跑出来come out
守门员跑出来come out
钩形脚法hook tackle
鱼跃diving pit