
Terms for subject Finances containing 收人 | all forms | in specified order only
不动产收人real estate revenue
不确定或有额外收人的公司债bond with uncertain or contingent income
专项基金收人账户special fund receipt accounts
个人收人和支出personal income and outlays
中低收人发展中国家low and middle-income developing countries
中低收人low- and middle-income earners
中等收人国家middle-income nations
中等收人国家middle-income countries
中等收人陷阱middle-income trap ("中等收人陷阱"这一概念是世界银行2006年在《东亚经济发展报告》中首先提岀来的,即认为当一个国家的人均收人达到中等水平后,由于不能顺利实现经济发展方式的转变,导致经济增长动力不足,最终出现经济停滞的状态)
临时收人non-recurrent receipts
买人收益率较高的资产buy higher yielding assets
买人返售债券收人income from buying of resold bonds
人均收人per capita income
人均纯收人per capita net income
人寿收益保单life income policies
人工成本收集单labour cost collecting sheet
仅付给收款人本人account payee only
收人collecting agent
以人民币进行收购make acquisitions in renminbi
伤残收人保险disability income insurance
收人国家low-income countries
收人国家low income countries
收人家庭low-income families
收人群众low-income people
佣金收人commission revenue
使用人民币在海外进行收购use renminbi to acquire overseas
信托人或管财人现金收支帐trustee’s or receiver’s cash account
债务融资法人收购debt-financed corporate takeover
公共收人public revenue
关税收人revenue tax (duty)
再保险费收人reinsurance premium income
出售证券收人securities proceeds
分期付款销货收人installment sales revenue
利息收人interest revenue
利息和贴现收人账户interest and discount income a/c
利率收人interest receipt
卖地收人revenue from land sales
发货人收据consignor's receipt
只付给收款人本人注在支票上account payee only
可替代收款人alternative payee
名义国民收人nominal national income
国外收人来源foreign source s of income
国外贷款收人foreign loan receipt
国家预算收人执行情况审计state budget revenue implementation audit
国家预算收人报告审计state budget revenue report audit
国库财政收人Public Revenue
国库收人treasury receipt
国有企业收人revenue of government industry
国有企业上缴收人revenue from state enterprises profit
国民收人national income
国民收人会计national income accounting
国民收人倍增计划income doubling program
国民收人和生产账户national income and product account
国民收人账户national income account
国民总收人gross national income
城乡居民人均收人per capita income for urban and rural residents
城镇居民人均可支配收人per capita disposable income of urban residents
增加收人increase revenue
增加收人boost incomes
增加城乡居民收人increase urban and rural incomes
外汇收人留成余额retained balance from foreign exchange revenue
多栏式现金收人日记账columnar cash receipt journal
存款利息收人interest income on deposits
实际收人actual receipts
实际国民收人real national income
家庭收人保险family income policy
家庭实际收人real household income
居民家庭收人household income
应收岁人annual revenue receivable
应计收人accrued revenue
收人total revenue
收人overall revenue
总净保费收人gross net premium income
成熟的中等收人国家fully fledged middle-income country
房地产收人real estate revenue
收人applicant for collection
投资收人revenue from investment
投资收人investment revenue
折现收人time-adjusted revenue method
拨款收人appropriation receipt
指定收款人票据bill payable to order
提高农民收人increase farmers' incomes
收人债券revenue bond
收人凭单voucher for receipt
收人分类帐receipts ledger
收人列账recognition of income
收人回报率return on revenue
收人增长微薄meagre income gains
收人导向型融资revenue-oriented financing
收人的合理分配equitable distribution of income
收债人debt collector
收取全额佣金的经纪人full commission broker
收款人money collector
收款人payee (remittee)
"收款人亲收"的付款背书endorsement to pay "payee only"
收款人帐account payee
收款人条款payee clauses
收款人的鉴定identification of payee
收益享受人income beneficiary
收益经纪人value broker
收票人check taker
无记名收款人impersonal payee
未人账收人unrecorded revenue
未存人银行的收人undeposited receipts
未实现收人unrealized revenue
本年外汇收人foreign exchange income annually
权责发生制营业收人确认法accrual method of revenue recognition
查账费收人inspection fees earned
每一用户平均收人average revenue per user (指每位用户为电话及媒体企业所贡献的收人)
注重收人的合理分配ensure more equitable distribution of income
活动收人active income (来自提供服务所得的收人,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收人)
消费-收人consumption-income ratio
清算收人clearing revenue
特种收人债务special revenue debt
特种收人基金special revenue fund
现金收人cash receipt
现金收人cash proceeds
现金收人传票cash receipt slip
现金收人凭单cash receipt voucher
现金收人日记簿cash received day book
现金收人日记账cash receipt journal
现金收人cash proceeds approach
现金收人簿received cash book
现金收人记录record of cash receipts
现金收人调节表reconciliation of cash receipts
现金收人cash received book
现金收人cash receipt book
现金收人预算cash receipt budget
现金对收人比率cash to revenue ratio
电子商务收人electronic revenue
票据托收人bill collector
票据收款人payee of bill
移民收人migrants' earnings
税后营运收人after tax operating income (一家公司除税后的总营运收人。计算方法为总营运收人减去税项)
税收和收人不平等tax and income inequality
紧缩性收人政策tight revenue policy
自由支配的收人discretionary income
营业收人trading receipt
营业收人支出表statement of revenues and expenditures on business
营业收人明细表statement of operating revenue
营运收人现场检查制度spot inspection system of operating earnings
营运收人现场检查制度审计spot inspection system audit of operating earnings
落人"中等收人陷阱"get stuck in a middle-income trap
认缴股款收人revenue from subscriptions
财产性收人property income
财务收人financial revenue
财政收人fiscal revenue
货币收人流通速度income velocity of money
货币国民收人money national income
贴现收人discount income
贷款收人revenue from loans
贷款收人loan revenues
资本收人capital revenue
资本性收人capital receipt
资本支出与收人capital expenditure and receipt
资金借人人到期偿还本金,网络信贷公司则收取中介服务费]peer-to-peer lending
超额收人excess revenue
跨过中高收人的门槛past the threshold for high-middle income
边际收人marginal revenue
过期账收人delayed-income credits
退休收人保险retirement income policy
递延收人deferred revenue
通行税收人债券toll revenue bond
避免中等收人陷阱avoid a middle-income trap
销售收人sales revenue
附息收人implicit interest revenue
非农业人员收人数据non-farm payroll data (简称"非农数据")
非利息收人non-interest revenue
非经常性收人non-recurring receipt
非经常性收人non-recurrent revenue
预期收人理论expected income theory
预算外收人off-budget revenue
预算外收人extra-budgetary revenue
验明支票的收款人identify the payee of a check
收人国家high-income countries
收人高消费国家high-spending high-income countries