
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
东萨摩亚帕帕果港Pago Harbor, Eastern Samoa
东萨摩亚帕-帕果港Pago Harbor, Eastern Samoa
伴流效wake effect
净化效purification effect
分离效separation effect
黑角港Pointe-Noire Harbor, Congo
黑角港Pointe Noire Harbor, Congo
在这儿是不是应该加上这样一句:如一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.
你们的订货数量大,我们还可以考虑降价We may reconsider to reduce our price, if your order is big enough.
你们的订货量大,我们准备减价 2%We are prepared to make a 2% reduction, if your order is big enough.
你们答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.
把各种因素都考虑进去,您会发现我们的报价比别处的报价要低If you take everything into consideration, you may find our quotation lower than that you can get elsewhere.
贵方不增加折扣,我们就很难成交。I'm afraid we can't come to terms if you won't increase discount.
贵方仍坚持这个价格,我们就只好放弃这笔交易I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off, if you still insist on this price.
贵方增订到 5000 件,我们就同意给4% 的折扣We' ll agree to give you a 4% discount if you increase your order by 5000 pieces.
贵方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向贵方订货If you accept our counter offer, we' ll persuade the end-user to place an order with you.
贵方能提前交货,我们才可接受贵方价格We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.
贵方能满足我们的需要量,我们就接受贵方的价格If you can meet our needs of quantity, we'll accept your price.
引进先进科技成import advanced scientific and technological achievements
放大器effect amplifier
和蔬菜市场fruit and vegetable market
和蔬菜运输船fruit and vegetable carrier
消磁效wiping effect
生产成production results
确实的结tangible results
试验证明效良好well tried
试验证明效良好的well tried
运营成operating performance
进出口贸易经济效economic results in import-export trade