
Terms for subject Technology containing 泄水 | all forms | in specified order only
上釉陶土泄水vitrified-clay drain tile
下泄式水闸under sluice
下游泄水闸门lower sluice gate
下部泄水隧道lower discharge tunnel
临时泄水temporary discharge piping
临时泄水temporary discharge tubing
临时泄水temporary discharge tube
临时泄水temporary discharge pipe
泄水main drain
泄水系统main drain system
侧槽式泄水side-spillway channel
侧面泄水side discharge
倾倒式泄水闸门tilting sluice gate
充水泄水系统filling and emptying system
全黄铜泄水all-bronze drain
内狭泄水reentrant orifice
冰水泄放道ice pass
冲沙泄水scour outlet channel
冲砂泄水scour sluiceway
冲砂泄水scour outlet channel
凹入式泄水reentrant orifice
泄水donkey drain pipe
泄水水头dynamical discharge head
泄水水头dynamic discharge head
升船机充水泄水装置filling and emptying device of shiplift
单片泄水single-leaf sluice gate
单独泄水结构separate sluiceway structure
单瓣泄水闸门single-leaf sluice gate
卫生污水排泄系统sanitary drainage system
泄水duplicate sluice box
双层泄水double sluice gate (门)
吸水与放泄阀簧suction and discharge valve
围堤泄水dike drainage lock
圆盘式泄水闸门dished sluice gate
地下排泄型地面排水subdrain type of surface drainage
地下水排泄discharge of groundwater
地下水排泄条件drainage condition of groundwater
地下水水位泄降groundwater drawdown
垂直辊轴泄水闸门vertical roller sluice gate
堤上泄水levee sluice
塑料泄水plastic drainage pipe
大坝泄水release wave below spillway
大坝泄水release wave below dam
安全泄水escape sluice
泄水流最底溶氧度critical reach
容许泄水permissible discharge
局部泄水localized release
泄水的洗涤盆sink unit with drainer
库水位泄降reservoir drawdown
泄水廊道bottom emptying gallery
泄水bottom emptying gallery
底部泄水坑道bottom emptying gallery
底部泄水under sluice
底部泄水廊道bottom emptying gallery
底部泄水under-sluice channel
底部泄水undersluice section
底部泄水under-sluice canal
底部泄水的闸阀sluice valve with bottom release
底部泄水under sluice
底部泄水under sluice
底部泄水ground sluice
底部泄水闸门ground-sluice gate
底部泄水隧洞low-level outlet tunnel
底部泄水隧洞deep sluice
底部泄水隧洞under-sluice tunnel
底部泄水隧洞bottom-discharge tunnel
底部纵向廊道充泄水系统longitudinal floor culvert system
开式泄水open-ended drain pipe
所有的焊接需进行泄漏测试,以确保清洗机没有任何漏水All welds are subject to leak test to ensure the washer is watertight
扇形泄水sector sluice valve
泄水receiving body of water
挡土墙泄水wall dowel
泄水effluent discharge conduit
斜排泄眼注水泥管鞋whirler shoe
泄水endoreic drainage
明渠泄水open sluiceway
有闸门的泄水gated outlet
机械的泄水mechanical spillway
杆式泄水stem sluice gate
排泄water excretion
水库排泄口outlet from reservoir
水库泄放draft from storage
水库泄放速率reservoir release rate
水排泄water sluice
水泄漏量tank leakage
水电站满荷宣泄流量full-plant discharge
水轮泄流量wheel discharge capacity
水闸室泄水unwatering of lock chamber
水闸滑动泄水sliding sluice gate
水面泄降negative wave
永久性泄水permanent sluice
污水泄水sewage outlet area
处理后的污水排泄effluent sewage
污水排泄口sewer outlet
污水排泄总管outfall sewer
污水排泄站sewage discharging station
污水排泄管sewer pipe (drain)
污水泄放管relief sewer
污水管排泄设备sewer evacuator
污水道排泄设备sewer evacuator
汽缸泄水cylinder feed pipe
汽缸套泄水jacket drain valve
weep hole
泄放水流discharging current
泄水draining off the water
泄水draw-off (排除)
泄水drain hole
泄水主管main drain
泄水drainage shaft
泄水drainage well
泄水catch pit
泄水关系曲线water discharge relation curve
泄水冷却器drain cooler
泄水discharge outlet
泄水draining opening
泄水output port
泄水waste outlet
泄水outlet port
泄水drain opening
泄水discharge port
泄水drain hole
泄水discharge opening
泄水spillway dam
泄水flush dam
泄水坝段sluice section
泄水坡度grade of discharge
泄水flush weir
泄水draw off tower
泄水drain stopper
泄水drain plug
泄水draining plug
泄水塞体drain cock body
泄水复氧reoxygenation by discharging
泄水outlet entrance
泄水discharge orifice
泄水孔塞drain pin
泄水孔塞bleeder cock
泄水孔塞bleeder plug
泄水孔塞bottom plug
泄水孔塞drain cock
泄水孔塞drain bolt
泄水孔塞bleeding plug
泄水孔塞bleed cock
泄水孔容量outlet capacity
泄水孔底unwatering conduit
泄水孔过渡段outlet transition
泄水工程outfall work
泄水belt of discharge
泄水底孔deep outlet
泄水底孔bottom sluice gate
泄水底孔bottom sluice
泄水底孔闸门gate ground
泄水底管bottom-discharge pipe
泄水廊道emptying culvert
泄水廊道unwatering gallery
泄水廊道discharge culvert
泄水控制建筑outlet control structure (物)
泄水建筑outlet works (物)
泄水建筑escape work (物)
泄水建筑release work (物)
泄水建筑water release structure (物)
泄水建筑sluice work (物)
泄水建筑discharge structure (物)
泄水弯头downspout elbow
泄水总管drain manifold
泄水控制闸板outlet regulating gate
泄水控制闸门outlet regulating gate
泄水drainage bunker
泄水断面面积discharge area
泄水旋塞draining cock
泄水时间emptying time
水库的泄水机构outlet element
泄水draining board
泄水drain board
泄水ablution board
泄水构筑escape work (物)
泄水构筑物release structure
泄水构筑物release work
泄水构筑物outlet works
泄水构筑物discharge structure
泄水构造water-escape structure
泄水drain cistern
泄水drainage tank
泄水clearing plug
泄水weeping channel
泄水discharge basin
泄水outlet drain
泄水release wave
泄水涡流outflow vortex
泄水涵洞discharge opening
泄水涵洞draw-off culvert
泄水涵洞sluice culvert
泄水涵洞discharge culvert
泄水discharge channel (道)
泄水outflow channel (道)
泄水sluice channel (道)
泄水sluiceway channel (道)
泄水sluicing canal (道)
泄水sluicing channel (道)
泄水sluiceway canal (道)
泄水outlet channel (道)
泄水escape canal (道)
泄水discharge canal (道)
泄水渠进口outlet entrance
泄水滑槽trash chute
泄水draw-off point
泄水球阀drain ball-valve
泄水flashing tile (管)
泄水bleeder tile (管)
泄水drain pan
泄水bleed hole
泄水drain tube
泄水waste pipe
泄水drainage pipe
泄水down pipe
泄水escape pipe (道)
泄水discharge tube (道)
泄水discharging tube (道)
泄水draw-off pipe (道)
泄水drawn-off pipe (道)
泄水discharge pipe (道)
泄水discharge conduit (道)
泄水lower leg (道)
泄水runoff conduit (道)
泄水runoff pipe (道)
泄水sluice pipe (道)
泄水sluice tubing (道)
泄水tap pipe (道)
泄水water discharge pipe (道)
泄水water drainage pipe (道)
泄水water drainage piping (道)
泄水weeping pipe
泄水water discharge piping (道)
泄水sluice tube (道)
泄水outlet pipe (道)
泄水bleeder pipe
泄水管线sluice line
泄水管线drainage pipe line
泄水管进口outlet entrance
泄水管道水头损失discharge-line loss
泄水管闩drain cock
泄水drain tank
泄水sluice box
泄水系统hydraulic emptying system
泄水系统emptying system
泄水结构water outlet
泄水能力discharging capacity
泄水能力flow discharge
泄水能力discharge capacity
泄水能量flow capacity
泄水节点drained joint
泄水设备draining installation
泄水设备sluice equipment
泄水设备sluice installation
泄水设备emptying device
泄水设备draining equipment
泄水drain way
泄水软管discharge hose
泄水速度velocity of discharge
泄水速度discharge velocity
泄水scour outlet
泄水道坡度flow gradient
泄水道截水环sluice collar
泄水道操作室sluice operating chamber
泄水道操作廊道sluice operating gallery
泄水道进口sluice entrance
泄水道进口outlet entrance
泄水道闸sluiceway gate
泄水道闸门室sluice-gate chamber
泄水钻孔release borehole
泄水钻孔release hole
泄水钻孔discharge borehole
泄水hub cone
泄水runner boss
泄水discharge cone
泄水drain gate
泄水sluice valve
泄水water release gate
泄水emptying gate
泄水discharge sluice
泄水闸口gate outlet
泄水闸室滚动闸门rolling gate of sluice chamber
泄水闸室滚筒闸门rolling gate of sluice chamber
泄水闸板flash board
泄水闸通道量sluice capacity
泄水闸门released gate
泄水闸门下缘sluice-gate lip
泄水emptying valve (门)
泄水outlet valve (门)
泄水draining valve
泄水release valve (门)
泄水discharge valve (门)
泄水drain cock (门)
泄水drip valve (门)
泄水bleed valve (门)
泄水阀门out valve
泄水阀门draw-off valve
泄水pocket well
泄水drainage sump
泄水隧洞draw off tunnel
泄水隧道outlet tunnel
泄水面积drainage area
泄水龙头draw-off cock
泄水龙头draining tap
泄流排水管relief sewer
泄湖水道宽width of lagoon channel
泄降水位流量曲线drawdown-discharge curve
泉水排泄spring drainage
泵系和泄水布置图pumping and drainage plan
洗矿厂泄出水washery effluent
洪水泄水inundation canal
浮球式泄水活门ball-float trap
浮臂泄水floating arm drawoff
消火栓泄水hydrant drain
消防栓泄水hydrant drain valve
消防栓泄水fire drain valve
淡水排泄污水舱freshwater drain collecting tank
深式泄水deep outlet
渠道泄水canal scouring sluice
溢洪道泄水底槛spillway outlet sill
溢洪道泄水spillway channel
溢洪道下泄水plunging nappe for spillway
溢流堤泄水dam spillway channel
滑动泄水sluice valve
灌水泄水特征filling and emptying characteristics
灌水泄水系统filling-emptying system
灌水泄水系统filling and emptying system
灌水泄水阀液压启闭机械hydraulic machinery of filling and emptying valves
灌溉用水泄水工程irrigation water outlet works
环形泄水ring pit
生活污水排泄building sanitary drain
生活污水排泄系统sanitary drainage
甲板泄水deck drain valve
电站泄水release wave below-power station
直升式矩形泄水闸门penning gate
石棉水泥泄水asbestos-cement downcomer
突然泄水sudden water release
竖式梯形泄水vertical trapezoidal sluice
端部充泄水系统end filling and emptying system
自动泄水automatic discharge
自动泄水尾阱self-emptying cockpit
自动泄水尾阱self-draining cockpit
自动泄水尾阱self-bailing cockpit
自动泄水救生艇self-bailing boat
自动泄水automatic spillway
自动泄水self-acting discharge valve
泄水bilge plug
船闸泄水lock emptying
船闸泄水时间lock equalization time
船闸泄水release wave below ship lock
船闸充水与泄水系统lock filling and emptying system
艇底泄水boat drain
草地泄水grass waterway
草地泄水sod waterway
草地泄水grassed waterway
草皮泄水sod waterway
草皮泄水grassed waterway
蒸汽管路、排气管路、燃料管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门护层隔热材料lagging material for piping and valve of steam line, exhaust line, fuel line and drain line
蒸汽管路、排气管路、燃料管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门的法兰填料packing with flange of piping and valve for steam line, exhaust line, fuel line and drain line
蓄水一泄水曲线storage-outflow curve
蓄水库泄水曲线storage-outflow curve
蓄水泄放release of stored water
贾姆拉奥方孔自动恒定流量泄水Jamrao type orifice module outlet
贾姆拉奥明渠式泄水Jamrao open type outlet
路沟泄水gutter offtake
转轮泄水锥下段lower runner boss cover
轴隧泄水tunnel well
泄水secondary drain
辅助泄水系统secondary drainage system
辅助泄水系统secondary drain system
边沟泄水涵洞relief culvert
边沟泄水涵洞ditch relief culvert
进水蓄水泄水曲线inflow-storage-discharge curve
重力泄水gravity main
铺砌的泄水paved "leak-off"
铺砌的泄水paved drain
锅炉泄水boiler blow-down water
闸底泄水bottom emptying gallery
闸门泄水gated outlet
闸门式泄水系统curtain drain
闸首充泄水系统end filling and emptying system
闸首灌泄水系统end filling and emptying system
防冻泄水discharge valve for freeze-proof
降落式泄水falling sluice
隧道式泄水tunnel-type tail race
集中灌水泄水系统concentrated filling and emptying system
雨水泄水rain outlet
雨水排泄构件rainwater articles
顶部泄水tilting dam
鼓形泄水闸门drum sluice