
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
技术转让中先付一笔使用费后按期提成的合付款方式combination of lump-sum fee and running royalty
加糖可可合物sweetened mixture with cocoa
加糖可可调味合物sweetened cocoa-flavoured mix
棉花市场的乱现象不久将得到纠正The confusion of the cotton market will soon straighten itself out
海运合附加费combined marine surcharge
<-> blend
合仲裁庭mixed arbitral tribunal
合企业mixed business
合估计法mixed estimation method
合保险joint insurance
合保险单mixed policy (保险单包括混合保险单(mixed policy)、航程保险单 (voyage policy)、定期保险单 (time policy))
国际货币基金组织合储备单位composite reserve unit
合储存mixed storage
合公司mixed corporation
合公积金mixed surplus
合准备金mixed reserve
合协议mixed agreement (技术贸易的许可证交易中包括有专利 (patent) 与技术诀窍 (know-how))
合库存mixed inventory
合性比率mixed ratio
合托运货物mixed consignment
合抵押mixed collateral
合税compound duty
合经营mixed business
合经销mixed distribution
合联合企业mixed associated enterprises
合脂肪酱blended fat spread
合航运公司Compagnie de Navigation Mixte
合财产mixed property
合运输mixed transport
杂沾污险intermixture and contamination risks
纺呢union cloth
语电报telegram in mixed language
生产disorder in production
用水搅匀的蛋白和面粉合物hydrated batter mix
用马歇尔法规测定的沥青凝土性质Marshall properties
管理disorder in management
许可证与配额合制license and quota system
许可证与配额合制licence and quota system
账目The accounts are in disorder
这些商品上的标签搞The price tags on these commodities are mixed
通货紧缩不是解决国家财政乱的有效对策Deflation is not an effective cure for the financial chaos in the country