
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
专利合物proprietary mix
专卖合物proprietary mix
东道国关系非正式合委员会informal joint committee on host country relations
为囤积奇者所蒙操纵manipulation by corners
关于适用的规则rules of admixture
各级负责和职员负责合式的销售组织line and staff type of sales organization
常设政府间合委员会permanent mixed intergovernmental commissions
斯坦达德与普尔的合指数Standard & Poor’s composite index
斯坦达德与普尔的和指数Standard and Poor's Composite Index
极易起燃的燃料合物rich fuel mixture
欧洲合单位Euro composite unit
比率溢额合分保契约mixed quota surplus treaty
适用的规则rules of admixture
合事项mixed transactions
合交易mixed transactions
合产品product mix
合仲裁mixed arbitration
合仲裁法庭mixed arbitral tribunal
合价格几种商品组合在一起时所订的价格package price
合保险mixed insurance
合保险单mixed policy
合保险单packing policy
合保险单combination policy
合关税mixed or compound duties
合关税按值及数量计税法compound duties
合关税mixed duty
合关税compound duties
合准备hybrid reserve
合分录compound journal entry
合列车mixed train
合包扎货物mixed consignment
合协议mixed agreement
合基石油mixed base oil
合委员会mixed commission
合存储mixed storage
合存款mixed deposit
合存货mixed inventory
合式的采购between functionalization decentralization in purchasing
合性财产mixed property
合成本mixed cost
合控股公司mixed holding company
合样aggregate sample (compound sample)
合法hybrid system
合法庭mixed tribunal
合率用于折旧的摊提或负荷的分配composite rate
"合的"出口卡特尔mixed export cartels
合税mixed or compound duties
合税mixed duty
合税率mixed tariff
合组织amalgamation (consolidation)
合经济mixed economy
合装载combined shipment
合账户mixed account
合货柜mixed container
合货物mixed cargo
合费率mixed rate
合运输mixed traffic
合选择compound option
合配额mixing quota
合配额mixed quota
合集装箱mixed container
intermixture & contamination risks
blended spinning
纺毛织品wool blended products
装货物consolidated cargo
载费率mixing rate
西班牙合神spanish mestizs
货客合海运cargo-passenger line