
Terms for subject General containing Дьявол | all forms | exact matches only
ангелы и дьяволыangels and demons (Alexander Demidov)
в него будто дьявол вселилсяhe was full of devilment
город Жёлтого Дьяволаthe City of Yellow Devil (Горький grafleonov)
дьявол в деталяхthe devil is always in the details
Дьявол -- в деталяхthe devil is in the details (Even the grandest project depends on the success of the smallest components. This version of the proverb often implies that the details might cause failure. A more positive version is “God is in the details,” a saying often attributed to the architect Le Corbusier (The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002))
дьявол в образе ангелаnightmare dressed like a daydream (Technical)
дьявол в образе в человеческом обликеa devil in human shape
дьявол в овечьей шкуреdevil in disguise (When I first met my ex-husband, I thought he was the nicest, most generous man alive, but he turned out to be the devil in disguise Taras)
Дьявол – в отсутствии деталей.the devil is in the absence of detail.
дьявол во плотиbad to the bone (CarteNoire)
дьявол во плотиdevil in disguise (AlexShu)
дьявол во плотиthe Devil incarnate (Franka_LV)
дьявол его искушалthe devil tempted him
дьявол и его присныеthe devil and his angels
дьявол-искусительthe tempter
дьявол кроется в деталяхthe devil is in the detail (The idiom "the devil is in the detail" derives from the earlier phrase, "God is in the detail;" expressing the idea that whatever one does should be done thoroughly; i.e. details are important.[1] This original idiom has been attributed to a number of different individuals, most notably to German-born architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) by The New York Times in Mies' 1969 obituary, however it is generally accepted to not have originated with him. The expression also appears to have been a favorite of German art historian Aby Warburg (1866–1929), though Warburg's biographer, E.M. Gombrich, is likewise uncertain if it originated with Warburg. An earlier form "Le bon Dieu est dans le dйtail" (the good God is in the detail) is generally attributed to Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880).[1] Bartlett's Familiar Quotations lists the saying's author as anonymous.[2] Google's n-gram function reveals that the phrase "the devil is in the details" does not appear in print before ca. 1975. WAD Alexander Demidov)
дьявол кроется в деталяхdetails can make all the difference (VLZ_58)
дьявол кроется в мелочахthe devil is in the detail (Sloneno4eg)
дьявол находит занятие для праздных рукthe devil finds work for idle hands to do
дьявол, осуждающий грешниковSatan reproving sin (о лицемере)
дьявол сидит в мелочахthe devil is always in the details
дьявол скрывается в мелочахthe devil is always in the details
дьявол стяжательстваthe demon of cupidity (Мамона)
заключать сделку с дьяволомmake a pact with the devil (cnlweb)
заключить сделку с дьяволомmake a pact with the devil (cnlweb)
злой дьяволthe black man
иди к дьяволу!go to blazes!
иди ты к дьяволу!just go to! (Franka_LV)
иди ты к дьяволу!get lost! (Franka_LV)
идти к дьяволуcome one's way (обычно в виде императива)
известный дьявол лучше неизвестногоbetter the devil you know than the devil you don't
иметь вид ангела и душу дьяволаbear the semblance of an angel and the heart of a devil
какого дьявола!what the devil?!
красные дьяволыred devils (прозвище солдат парашютно-десантного полка, Великобритания)
левая рука дьяволаleft hand of the devil (cristalker)
мужчина, женщина и дьявол - три степени сравненияman, woman and devil are three degrees of comparison
не работник, а просто дьяволthe devil of a worker
о, дьявол!shizit!
одержим дьяволомpossessed by some devil (the Gospel of Luke suggests that Judas was possessed by some devil Olga Okuneva)
одержимый дьяволомobsessed by a demon
он дьявол во плотиhe is the Devil incarnate
он сокрушит дьявола его собственным орудиемhe foils the Devil at his own weapons
отметка дьяволаmark of the beast (Taras)
отродье дьяволаDevil's spawn (God... You are the Devil's spawn – Боже, вы и вправду отродье дьявола Taras)
побыть адвокатом дьяволаplay devil's advocate (I don't think he was really in favour of getting rid of the scheme, he was just playing devil's advocate. • I agree with Tom on the subject, but let me play devil's advocate and say that the other side has some good points. • But let me play devil's advocate for a minute: what are we trying to accomplish with articles like the one today in the New York Times? • Mary offered to play devil's advocate and argue against our case so that we would find out any flaws in it. 4uzhoj)
поклонение дьяволуdemonolatry
правая рука дьяволаright hand of the devil (cristalker)
представить дьяволомdemonize
продать душу дьяволуsell soul to the devil
продаться дьяволуsell out to the Devil (тж. см. sell out to the Beast Taras)
просто дьяволthe devil of a worker
Сатана, дьяволHis Satanic Majesty
свойства дьяволаdiabolicalness
сделка с дьяволомcompact with the devil (WK. ... who has formed a compact with the Devil or with evil spirits, by whose aid she ... Alexander Demidov)
сделка с дьяволомFaustian pact (Ремедиос_П)
сделка с дьяволомdeal with the devil (A deal with the devil, compact or pact with the devil is a cultural motif, best exemplified by the legend of Faust and the figure of Mephistopheles, but elemental to many Christian folktales. According to traditional Christian belief about witchcraft, the pact is between a person and Satan or a lesser demon. The person offers his or her soul in exchange for diabolical favours. Those favours vary by the tale, but tend to include youth, knowledge, wealth, fame, or power. WK Alexander Demidov)
сделка с дьяволомbargain with the devil (МДА)
сделка с дьяволомpact with the Devil (A deal with the Devil, pact with the Devil, or Faustian bargain is a cultural motif widespread in the West, best exemplified by the legend of Faust and the figure of ... – WAD Alexander Demidov)
сладкоречивый дьяволsilver-tongued devil (alexs2011)
слуги дьяволаminions of the Devil (We vampires are not minions of the Devil Taras)
слуги дьяволаministers of Evil (There are old prophesies from prehistory that tell of such chosen ministers of Evil Taras)
слуги дьяволаSatan's bedfellows (Taras)
слуги дьяволаServants of the Devil (Taras)
слуги дьяволаDevil's servants (Taras)
слуги дьяволаDevil's men (I have freed the Devil's men, and they hate you as much as I do Taras)
слуги дьяволаSatan's imps (Hope he knows the fires are stoked and that Satan's imps are waiting Taras)
состояние дьяволаdiabolicalness
сумчатый дьяволdevil
сущий дьяволhell on wheels
сущий дьяволbad to the bone (CarteNoire)
сущий дьяволdevil incarnate  (alex)
сущий дьяволa devil incarnate
сущий дьяволdevil incarnate (alex)
сущий дьяволvery fiend
тот, кого вы считаете великим писателем, просто одержим дьяволомyour great writer is possessed of a devil
убирайся к дьяволу!go to blazes!
Черноморский дьяволBlack Sea Devil (рыба nikanikori)
этот человек обойдёт самого дьяволаthe fellow would cajole the devil
я грешнее дьяволаI am more foul than the Devil ("Ego impurior diaboli" an inscription on Sherlock Holmes's puzzle box Taras)