
Terms containing Ленинград | all forms | exact matches only
hist.Блокада ЛенинградаSiege of Leningrad (Leningrad, Siege of: also called 900-day siege (Sept. 8, 1941–Jan. 27, 1944), prolonged siege of the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in the Soviet Union by German and Finnish armed forces during World War II. The siege actually lasted 872 days. anahet)
hist.Блокада ЛенинградаLeningrad Blockade (Ballistic)
gen.блокада ЛенинградаLeningrad Blockade (The Siege of Leningrad, also known as the Leningrad Blockade (Russian: блокада Ленинграда, transliteration: blokada Leningrada, German: Leningrader Blockade) was a prolonged military blockade undertaken mainly by the German Army Group North against Leningrad, historically and currently known as Saint Petersburg, in the Eastern Front theatre of World War II. The siege started on 8 September 1941, when the last road to the city was severed. Although the Soviets managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, the siege was finally lifted on 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. It was one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history and possibly the costliest in terms of casualties. WK. В пользу этого перевода говорит выбор русского термина – "блокада", а не "осада". Этот термин употребляется, в частности, в книге " The Bronze Horseman" американской писательницы Paullina Simons, родившейся в Ленинграде.One can also say that the Leningrad blockade was broken in November 1941 over Lake Ladoga and over land in January 1943 but the siege wasn't lifted until January 1944. Alexander Demidov)
gen.блокадник Ленинградаsurvivor of the Siege of Leningrad (Born in 1930, Glazunov was 87 years old, a survivor of the Siege of Leningrad and the Great Patriotic War. A survivor of the siege of Leningrad, the Russian author Daniil Granin, tells that cannibalism was not uncommon during that time. ... until, that is, he hears the life story of Volsky, the last remaining tenant in the communal apartment and a survivor of the siege of Leningrad. Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигв городе, который назывался Ленинградомin what was then Leningrad
gen.вы сегодня едете в Ленинград? — Почему вы спрашиваете? — Просто так, мне просто интересноare you going to Leningrad tonight? — Why? — Oh, I just wondered
gen.город стал называться Ленинградомthe name of the city has been changed to Leningrad
gen.граждане, награждённые знаком "'Жителю блокадного Ленинграда'"citizens who have been awarded the "'Resident of Blockaded Leningrad'" badge (ABelonogov)
gen.Жителю блокадного ЛенинградаResident of Blockaded Leningrad (знак / badge ABelonogov)
Makarov.как только я получил ваше письмо, я телеграфировал в Ленинградas soon as I got your letter, I wired to Leningrad
hist.медаль "В память 250-летия Ленинграда"Medal "In Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of Leningrad" (Alex_Odeychuk)
hist.медаль "За оборону Ленинграда"Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.Музей истории Ленинградаthe Museum of Leningrad History (V.Lomaev)
gen.мы поехали в Москву, оттуда в Ленинградwe went to Moscow, thence we went to Leningrad
gen.наша команда проиграла команде Ленинграда семнадцать очковwe lost to Leningrad by 17 points
gen.наша команда проиграла Ленинграду семнадцать очковwe lost to Leningrad by 17 points
Makarov.он едет в Ленинград сегодня вечеромhe is going to Leningrad tonight
gen.он едет в Ленинград сегодня вечеромhe is going to Leningrad tonight
gen.отправиться в Ленинградstart for Leningrad
gen.пароход, по всем данным, не заходил в Ленинградthe boat, it appears, did not call at Leningrad
gen.пароход, по-видимому, не заходил в Ленинградthe boat, it appears, did not call at Leningrad
Makarov.переезжать из Москвы в Ленинградmove from Moscow to Leningrad
Makarov.переехать из Москвы в Ленинградmove from Moscow to Leningrad
Makarov.поезд между Москвой и Ленинградомtrain between Moscow and Leningrad
Makarov.поезд между Москвой и Ленинградомa train between Moscow and Leningrad
Makarov.приехать из-под Ленинградаcome from near Leningrad
Makarov.самолёт между Москвой и Ленинградомa plane between Moscow and Leningrad
Makarov.самолёт между Москвой и Ленинградомplane between Moscow and Leningrad
gen.сколько стоит билет до Ленинграда?what's the fare to Leningrad?