
Terms for subject Agriculture containing fruit | all forms | exact matches only
abscission of fruits落果 (现象)
accessory fruit附果 (fructus accessorius)
acorn-shaped fruit橡子状果实
acreage under fruit果园面积
acreage under fruit果树栽培面积
aggregate cup fruit聚合杯果 (calachifructus aggregatus)
aggregate free fruit聚合离果 (dialycarpus aggregatus)
aggregate fruits聚心皮果 (fructus polyanthocarpi)
aggregate fruits聚合果
anthocarpous fruit掺花果 (fructus anthocarpus)
apical fruit顶果 (fructus apicalis)
autocarpous fruit自花授粉果 (fructus autocarpus)
baccate fruit浆果状核果 (fructus baccatus)
baccate fruit多室核果 (nuculana)
banana fruit-filling香蕉果灌浆
banana fruit freckle香蕉果斑病
berry fruits浆果类果树
bicarpellary fruit二心皮果 (实,fructus bicarpeliaris)
biennial fruit二年果 (fructus biennis)
biennial fruit越年果
breakdown of fruit果实腐败
breakdown of fruit果实腐烂
Brooks fruit spot黑点病
brown rot of fruit trees果树褐腐病苹果
by-product of fruit果品加工副产物
2-carpellary fruit二心皮果 (实,fructus bicarpeliaris)
central fruit中心果 (fructus centralis)
cereal fruit颖果
cereal fruit谷物果实
chemical fruit thinner化学疏果剂
chemical fruit thinning化学疏果
chemical fruit thinning药剂疏果
cider fruit酿酒水果
cider fruit酒用水果
citrus fruits柑橘类果树
citrus fruits柑橘类水果
climacteric fruits呼吸高峰果树
climacteric fruits呼吸高峰果实
climbing fruits藤本果树
climbing fruits蔓性果树
clustered fruit花束状果
clustered fruit spur花束状短果枝
cold storage fruits冷藏果品
collective fruit聚花果 (fructus aggregatus)
confluent fruit会合果 (fructus confluens)
cracking of fruit果实开裂
Crag fruit fungicide 341果绿定保护性杀菌剂,C₂₂H₄₄N₂O₂
crude fruit未熟果
crystallized fruit糖衣蜜饯
culinary fruit烹调用果品
culinary fruit厨用果品
cull fruit等外果
cyclic fruit setting周期性结实
deciduous fruit水果
deciduous fruit tree落叶果树
dehiscent fruit裂果 (fructus dehiscens)
dehydrated fruit脱水果实
dehydrated fruits and vegetables脱水果蔬
delayed fruit picking延迟采果
delayed thinning fruit延期疏果
desert fruits沙漠果树
desiccated fruit干果
dessert fruit生食果品指餐后
developing fruit发育果实
dieback of stone fruits核果枝枯病
disinfectant of stored fruit贮藏果实防腐剂
disinfectant of stored fruit贮藏果实消毒剂
double-winged fruit双翅果 (disamara)
dry fruit干果 (fructus siccus)
dry rot of fruits and vegetables果蔬干腐病
drying fruit干果 (fructus siccus)
dumb fruit无核果
Duncan-grape fruit邓肯葡萄柚柑橘品种
dwarf fruit tree矮生果树
dwarf fruit tree garden矮生果园
dwarfed fruit tree矮化果树
early drop of fruit早期落果
early fruit species早结果树种
early thinning fruit早疏果
EEC Committee for the Fruit and Vegetable Juice Industry欧洲经济共同体果汁及蔬菜汁工业委员会
EEC Committee of the International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers国际果汁生产者联合会欧洲经济共同体委员会
European fruit fly地中海实蝇
European fruit lecanium金合欢蜡蚧李蜡蚧,蜡蚧科
fall fruit forage秋季果饲
fruit air transport水果空运
fruit and grain crops需果作物
fruit and grain crops需果作物指生产果实与颖果的作物
fruit and nut picking machine水果与坚果采摘机
fruit and seed crops需果作物
fruit and vegetable dryer果蔬干燥机
fruit and vegetable growing果树与蔬菜栽培
fruit and vegetable processing plant果蔬加工厂
fruit and vegetable storage cellar果蔬贮藏窖
fruit and vegetable storage environment engineering果蔬贮藏[保鲜]环境工程
fruit apex果顶部
fruit aroma果香
fruit aroma水果香味
fruit auction market水果拍卖市场
fruit bag果袋
fruit banana卡文迪什香蕉 Musa cavendishii, Musa sapientum
fruit-bearing结实的 (fructifer)
fruit bearing accelerator结果加速剂
fruit bearing age结果年龄
fruit-bearing branch结果枝
fruit-bearing forest果林
fruit-bearing in alternate years隔年结果
fruit-bearing part结果部位
fruit bearing part结果部位
fruit-bearing percentage结果率
fruit-bearing shoot着果枝 (ramus fructificans)
fruit-bearing tree结果树
fruit biodeterioration水果生物败坏
fruit body子实体 (thalamium)
fruit bowl水果钵
fruit branch[结]果枝 (carpoclonium)
fruit breeding果树育种
fruit bruising水果损伤
fruit bud花芽 (gemma fructifera)
fruit bud differentiation花芽分化
fruit bud formation花芽形成
fruit bud grafting花芽接
fruit bulk-bin水果散装箱
fruit butter果酱
fruit butter果泥
fruit by-product水果副产物指加工
fruit cake果子饼
fruit can水果罐头
fruit canning水果罐头制造
fruit canning水果罐藏
fruit case水果箱
fruit catcher采果器
fruit catching frame采果框
fruit catching frame采果架
fruit cavity果腔
fruit cellar果窑
fruit character果实性状
fruit character结实习性
fruit cluster果簇
fruit cluster果串葡萄
fruit cluster果穗
fruit coating果实涂被
fruit coats果皮
fruit cocktail什锦水果
fruit collection水果捡拾器
fruit collection and processing station果品收购加工站
fruit color果色
fruit colour果色
fruit colour mutation果色突变
fruit core果心
fruit corking果实栓化指苹果果肉
fruit crack果裂
fruit cracking果裂
fruit crate果筐
fruit cropping果树栽培
fruit crops果树作物
fruit crossing果树杂交
fruit crusher水果压榨机
fruit crusher果实压榨机
fruit culture果树园艺学 (pomologia)
fruit culture果树栽培学
fruit cutter果实切割器
fruit cutting果插
fruit cutting果实插
fruit deformation畸实病
fruit deformation果实变形
fruit dehydrator水果干燥机
fruit dehydrator水果脱水机
fruit depression萼洼
fruit dessication水果脱水干燥
fruit development果实发育
fruit disinfection果实消毒
fruit dispersal agent果实分散作用力
fruit dot果斑 (punctum fructarium)
fruit dot果点
fruit drop落粒
fruit drop落果
fruit drop control落果控制
fruit drop control落果防止
fruit-drop regulator落果调节剂
fruit espalier果树篱
fruit espalier果树棚
fruit essence水果香精
fruit extract水果汁
fruit extract果汁
fruit firmness果实硬度
fruit flavour水果风味
fruit flesh果肉
fruit fly实蝇
fruit forage果饲
fruit formation果实形成
fruit-formation period果实形成期
fruit garden果园 (fructum)
fruit gardening果树园艺[学]
fruit gardening果树栽培[学]
fruit gardening果树园艺学 (pomologia)
fruit gatherer水果采集器
fruit gatherer果实采摘机
fruit glaciat糖衣蜜饯
fruit grader水果分级机
fruit grader果实分级机
fruit grading machine水果分级机
fruit grading machine果实分级机
fruit grafting果接{园艺}
fruit grafting果实接
fruit grater水果磨碎机
fruit grower果树栽植者
fruit growing果树园艺学 (pomologia)
fruit growing果树栽培[学]
fruit growing果树园艺[学]
fruit growing果树栽培学
fruit-growing area果树栽培地区
fruit-growing farm果树栽培农场
fruit growth period果实生长期
fruit growth rate果实生长率
fruit habit结实习性 (habitus fructiferus)
fruit harvesting mechanization水果采收机械化
fruit hedge果树篱
fruit house水果贮藏库
fruit in storage贮藏的水果
fruit in syrup糖渍水果
fruit inspection水果分选输送器
fruit inspection水果检验
fruit involucre果实总苞 (involucra fructaria)
fruit jam果酱
fruit jelly果冻
fruit juice果汁
fruit juice果子露
fruit juice filter果汁滤子器
fruit juice filter果汁过滤器
fruit juice homogenizer果汁匀质机
fruit kiln果实烘干炉
fruit liqueur利口酒果实泡在烧酒中制成的
fruit maceration果实浸渍
fruit market果品市场
fruit market水果市场
fruit marketing center水果交易中心
fruit measure果实分级器
fruit mincer水果切碎机
fruit mincing水果切碎
fruit mincing水果切削
fruit mincing machine水果切碎机
fruit morbidity果实罹病率
fruit mummification果实僵化
fruit navel果脐
fruit nursery bed果树苗圃
fruit nutrition果树营养
fruit of unequal halves不等裂片肉果
fruit package装果容器
fruit packing house果品包装室
fruit paste果膏
fruit peel果皮
fruit peeler水果剥皮器
fruit peeler果实削皮器
fruit picker采果器
fruit picking采果
fruit pith果心 (medulla fructaria)
fruit plantation果树种植场
fruit plantation果树种植园
fruit plants果用植物 (plantae fructares)
fruit potential结果潜力
fruit precooling水果预冷
fruit press水果榨汁机
fruit press果实压榨机
fruit processing果品加工
fruit processing line水果加工线
fruit processing line with sorter-grader带分送分级机的水果加工线
fruit processing machinery水果加工机械
fruit processing plant水果加工厂
fruit produce果品
fruit production果品生产
fruit promoting催果
fruit pudding水果布丁
fruit pulp果肉 (pulpa fructaria)
fruit pulper水果搅碎机
fruit pulper果酱机
fruit puree果泥
fruit quality果实品质
fruit quality standardization果实品质标准化
fruit rail transport水果铁路运输
fruit receptacle果托 (receptaculus fructarius)
fruit removal摘果
fruit residues果渣
fruit residues水果残渣
fruit resources果树资源
fruit respiration measurement水果呼吸测定
fruit ripening果实成熟
fruit-ripening hormone果实成熟激素
fruit rot黑霉病
fruit rot褐斑病茄子
fruit rot疫病辣椒
fruit rot果腐病柑桔类
fruit salad水果沙拉
fruit sawfly实蜂
fruit scab果实疮痂病
fruit scale果园蚧
fruit scale种鳞
fruit scar果痕 (cicatrix fructares)
fruit science果树学
fruit seeder去核机
fruit seeder去子机
fruit separator水果分级机
fruit set坐果
fruit set结果
fruit set percentage结果率
fruit setting结果
fruit setting坐果
fruit setting habit结果习性
fruit shape果形
fruit shape果实形
fruit shed果实贮藏库
fruit shed果库
fruit shed果棚
fruit shedding落果
fruit-shoot ratio果-枝比值
fruit show果品展览
fruit shredder水果切碎机
fruit shrub灌木果树
fruit sirup果子露
fruit size果实大小
fruit sizer水果分级机
fruit skin果皮
fruit sorter水果分级机
fruit sorter水果分选机
fruit sorting果品分选
fruit sorting果品分级
fruit speckling果实褐斑
fruit sprayer果树喷雾机
fruit spraying果树喷射
fruit spur 果枝 (brachyblastus)
fruit spur group 果枝群
fruit stalk果柄
fruit stem果梗 (pediculus)
fruit stem果柄
fruit stone extractor果核分离机
fruit storage果实贮藏
fruit storage果实贮藏库
fruit store果实贮藏库
fruit syrup果子露
fruit telemetry水果遥测法
fruit texture水果 组织 质地
fruit thinner蔬果器
fruit thinning摘果
fruit thinning疏果
fruit thinning agent疏果剂
fruit thinning by chemicals药剂疏果
fruit transport injury水果运输损伤
fruit tree nursery果树苗圃
fruit tree raising果树栽培
fruit truck transport水果卡车运输
fruit twig果枝
fruit utilization水果利用
fruit variety果树品种
fruit-vegetable drier果蔬干燥机
fruit vegetables果菜类蔬菜
fruit vinegar果醋
fruit warehouse水果库
fruit warehouse果实贮藏库
fruit washer果实洗涤机
fruit washer水果清洗机
fruit washer洗果器
fruit waxing水果涂蜡
fruit wine果酒
fruit wine processing果酒加工
fruit wiper拭果机
fruit zone果树带
fruits and vegetables果蔬类
fruits and vegetables水果与蔬菜
fruits for canning罐藏用水果果品
fruits for cookery烹饪用水果果品
fruits for drying干果用果实果品
fruits for storing贮藏用水果
fruits in Alaska阿拉斯加的果树
fugacity of fruit落果
graded fruits分级果品
grading fruits选果
grading of fruit果实分级
granadilla fruit鸡蛋果
green fruit未成熟果实
green fruit绿果
green fruit worm食心虫
ground fruit picker地面水果捡拾器
half-fruit双悬果爿 (semicarpium)
haploid fruit body单倍子实体
hard-skinned fruit瓠果 (pepo)
herbaceous fruits草质果树 (fructae herbaceae)
interplanting of fruit tree and grain crop作物间作
irradiation of vegetatives and fruits照射
juicy fruit多汁果 (fructus succosus)
juicy fruit液果
kernel fruit仁果
key fruit翅果 (samara)
large fruit-pith大果心
last fruits最晚结果果树
layout of fruit processing plant果品加工厂设计
leaf/fruit ratio叶/果比值
leaf/fruit ratio叶果比值
leaf-fruit ratio叶/果比值
leaf-fruit ratio叶果比值
longitudinal dehiscent fruit纵裂果 (fructus dehiscens longitudinalis)
macerating fruit浸制果
malformed fruit畸形果 (fructus malformis)
Manchurian fruit moth苹果小食心虫
many-carpellary fruit多心皮果 (fructus multicarpellaris)
mature-green fruit绿熟果
maximum fruit set最高坐果
mean fruit weight平均果重
mean fruit weight果实平均重量
Mediterranean fruit fly地中海实蝇
medium fruit branch中果枝 (ramus fructiferus medius)
mellow fruit成熟果实
monothalmic fruit单花果 (fruitus monothalmicus)
multilocular fruit多室景 (fructus multilocularis)
multiple fruits聚花果 (fructus multiplex)
multiple fruits复果
natural citrus fruit essences flavour天然柑桔水果香精香料
nut fruit trees坚果类果树
nut fruits坚果类果树
odd fruit畸形果实
orchard fruits乔性果树
Organization of Fruit and Vegetable DeepFreeze Industry of the EEC欧洲经济共同体水果及蔬菜冷冻工业组织
palletized fresh fruit集装[箱]鲜果
parthenocarpous fruit单性结实果 (fructus parthenocarpus)
perishable fruit易腐果品 (fructus perishabilis)
phytophthora fruit rot果腐病
phytophthora fruit rot[果]疫病
plant for processing of fruits and vegetables果蔬加工厂
plants for fruit colors观果[色]植物
pneumatic fruit harvester气动式果实采集机
polyspermous fruit多子果 (fructuspolyspermus)
pomaceous fruit梨果 (pomum)
pomaceous fruits梨果类果树
pomaceous fruits仁果类果树
preserved fruit保存果品干果,蜜饯,罐头水果
preserved fruit processing蜜饯加工
quick-frozen fruits速冻水果
retail fruit-vegetable store零售果蔬店
rich fruit多汁水果
ripening fruit成熟果
sacculent fruit肉浆果 (fructus sacculens)
sap fruit液果
schizocarpic fruit裂果 (fructus schizocarpus)
science of fruit growing果树栽培学
sclerotinia fruit rot菌核病
second fruit秋果 (fructus secundus)
second fruit第二次果
seeded fruit有核果
set fruit结实
set fruit坐果
setting fruit坐果
side fruit in a chestnut bur边栗指栗苞中两旁的栗果
small fruit浆果
small-fruit culture浆果果树栽培
small-fruit culture小果[果树]栽培
small fruits浆果类果树
soft fruit浆果
soft fruit crops软果作物
soft fruit crops浆果作物
soft-fruit shrub浆果灌木
Southeast Asia fruits东南亚果树
split-fruit双裂果 (carpadelium)
stalk and fruit rot蒂腐病
standard fruit-tree乔木果树
stem cutter and fruit bag remover切枝去 袋机
stem of fruit果梗
sterile fruit不[结]实果 (fructus sterils)
sterile fruit不育果
sub-pome fruit亚梨果 (subpomum)
subterranean fruit formation地下结实如花生
subtropic fruit culture亚热带果树栽培
subtropic fruit trees亚热带果树
subtropic fruits亚热带果树
succulent fruit多汁果 (fructus succulens)
syncarpous fruit合心皮果 (frustus syncarpus)
tart fruit酸果 (fructus acerbus)
terminal fruit顶生果 (fructus terminalis)
thinning fruits疏果
thinning of fruits疏果
tin fruits罐头水果
tinned fruits水果罐头
tinned fruits罐装水果
trained fruits整形果树
trellis fruits篱式果树篱形整枝果树
true fruit真果 (fructus verus)
unripe fruit未熟果
variable hole fruit grader孔口调节式水果分级机
vegetable fruits果蔬类
wall fruit tree篱壁果树
weak fruit弱小果实
winged fruit翅果 (samera)
X-ray effects in fruit tree果树的 X 射线效应
young fruit幼果
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